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  • #8

    Rewriting Elanat CMS

    category news

    As you know, Elanat CMS is built on the CodeBehind Framework with the lowest dependency. Soon, Elanat CMS will be completely rewritten based on the latest CodeBehind Framework technologies. We will not add any new versions until rewriting and new updates will be stopped completely.

    Use of CodeBehind technologies
    The new rewrite is done in order to adapt to the latest CodeBehind Framework technologies. The new version will be version 3. In this rewrite, support for interpreted and compiled programming languages ​​will be completely stopped and Elanat's focus will be on .NET Core; also, HTML support for add-ons ends. The database changes slightly and its structure is re-evaluated. How to call add-ons is only done with the server, and IFrame, Ajax, text and on server calls are removed.

    Using WebFormsJS
    In this rewrite, all JavaScript files related to the core and core and non-core add-ons are completely removed and the high-level WebFormsJS technology will be used. When rewriting, wherever WebFormsJS does not meet the needs, new features will be added to WebFormsJS. In this rewrite, due to the use of WebFormsJS technology, many views without values ​​are also removed and the recompilation speed increases.

    Delete templates
    The site and admin templates are completely removed and the style component for the admin is also removed. The design is done minimally and with minimal use of tags. Global templates will also be removed.

    Other changes and improvements:

    - The standard syntax of pages is changed to Razor syntax.
    - Module, plugin and patch add-ons are integrated in the component add-on.
    - The Role section is removed and the Role section of the CodeBehind framework is used.
    - Extra Helper structure is removed and they become plugin.
    - All paths of aspx files will be removed and URLs will be clean.
    - The URL of the content will be available with its English title.
    - The statistics component will be integrated in the about component.
    - The update location is moved from the about component to the admin page.
    - The approval comment component is integrated into the comment component.
    - The approval content component is integrated into the content component.
    - The recycle bin component is removed and a recycle bin table is added for the content.
    - In the same error location, the error page will be displayed and the redirect will not be done.
    - The profile component is deleted.
    - Content reply component is removed.
    - The use replace part is integrated in the item component.
    - Use elanat sections are removed.
    - The password part is removed from the content and attachment.
    - The admin notes extra helper is removed.
    - Extra helpers and module options are no longer displayed in the admin panel.
    - The list of wysiwyg, file viewers and default pages and some other xml lists are removed and their directory list is used instead.
    - The set rating section for content is removed.
    - The response form section is removed.
    - The way of calling captcha changes.
    - Removing the option of displaying from the box for comments and continuing content
    - and other changes.

    Start rewriting
    The rewriting process starts in November and may take between six months and one year.
    Our effort is that the new version has a unique performance.

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