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    Elanat CMS is a content management system based on ASP.NET Core developed by Elanat. Elanat supports 8 types of add-ons and its core structure is built with the plugins it supports. Elanat CMS was first built on .NET Standard version 4.5 and then after a short time the Elanat team upgraded it to .NET Core version 7. Component, module, plugin, page, patch and fetch are part of Elanat CMS add-ons, which are all a component.

    Framework core features
    • Add-on oriented framework

      Create your add-on without having to deal with the core of the framework

    • All programming languages

      Create all your add-ons without the need to use a specific programming language

    • Advanced Ajax

      Postback all dynamic pages to Ajax without conflicts with .NET components

    • Dynamic add-ons

      Add any add-ons in the desired location; create add-ons just by filling out a form

    • Access

      You can manage users access to all routes

    • Pages

      Translatable pages with various variable

    • Appearance

      Manage the style separately from the template

    • Footprint

      Track operations performed by your users

    See all features
    Add-on in Elanat

    How to create a add-on for Elanat?

    Only upload it! After checking that the programming language support package is installed, upload your file, this file can be an HTML page or an interpreter script; then upload your add-ons to the page or plugin component. You can then manage access to the add-on as you wish and place it anywhere on your website or portal.

    Download interpreter scripting programming language packages
    Powerful add-on in Elanat
    How to create a Powerful add-on with more file for Elanat?

    Step 1:

    There are eight different types of add-on in Elanat. component, plugins, module, plugin, page, patch, extra helper, editor template and fetch. In order to create more powrful add-ons in Elanat, you must download a raw add-on file and replace your add-on items in this file.

    The below link is the raw add-on file of the plugin.


    Step 2:

    First, extract the zip file; after extracting the zip file, you will see two directories; in the directory with the same name as the Add-on type, delete the index.html file and add your executable file in this directory. You can add as many files as you want in the Elanat path in the root directory.

    Step 3:

    In the directory with the same name as the add-on type, open the catalog.xml file for editing and change or add the necessary values such as add-on name, add-on path, add-on executable file name, etc. Finally, create a zip file containing the directory with the same name as the add-on type and the root directory.

    Elanat Struct


    Elanat created by use code-behind technique; in this technique visual and back-end source code are stored in separate files and allowing designers and programmers to work independently. Every client hypertext in Elanat can be edit without recompile.

    Inner model view controller

    Elanat is written based on IMVC - this type of programming is neither limited nor limited to a specific programming language. The presented coding model can be used on all programming languages.

    Personalize Elanat now


    The component can have different definitions in each system. In the Elanat framework, pages that only administrators have access to are called components. Plugins, modules, and the component itself each have a component management page. If you want to implement a management system including sales, accounting, personnel management, etc., by creating several components, you can create your new system and each of the components of your system using the Elanat kernel. Manage.

    Get the raw version of the component installation file


    Modules and plugins are a kind of add-on that can be displayed in any part of the website; add-ons that, in addition to being able to display, provide separate management for the add-on, are called modules. For example, the RSS feed is a module with the ability to adjust the display of the number of contents as well as the cache duration.

    Get the raw version of the module installation file


    Plugin and module are a kind of add-on that can be displayed in any part of the website; add-ons that are purely visual are called plugins. For example, the add-on display of the user ip or the add-on display of the number of turbine rotations in the last minute are divided into plug-ins. Plugins are an add-on helper for components and pages; for example, a quick search plugin is a good complement to a search page.

    Get the raw version of the plugin installation file

    Editor template

    Editor templates are part of a html page template; each of the Editor templates helps content writers use a ready-made template to present their content in an orderly and best way. Selecting a location from the map and recording it on the content, as well as the ability to display the image created on the content as a box, can be considered Editor template.

    Get the raw version of the editor template installation file

    Extra helper

    Extra helpers are add-ons that only become active on the software management page and are available to framework administrators. Changing html contents to xml writable content by displaying the latest system errors are examples of extra helpers.

    Get the raw version of the extra helper installation file

    Native package

    Developers of C, C , Pascal, and other direct compilation programming languages to create add-ons, compiler output library, along with the executable file of direct compilation add-ons in the framework kernel in one direction Put. By running the direct compiled add-ons call page, the compiled library is executed and displayed in the output. The purpose of creating this structure in Elanat is high security for high-level add-ons.

    Get the native version executable file


    Templates are the main formats of Elanat; the main difference between a template and a style is that the style is restricted to css and the templates include html tags. The template in Elanat is an xml file that contains several elements that make up different parts of a web page, and each of these parts has the ability to translate variables.

    Get the raw version of the template installation file
    Get the default template version of Elanat

    * Create your own personal template by downloading the default template version of Elanat and making changes to this file.


    One of the features of Elanat framework is the possibility of separate style and template management; in fact, each template can contain several separate styles. Each of the websites, pages, categories and some other items within Elanat can have their own style.

    Get the raw version of the style installation file
    Get the default style version of Elanat

    * Create your own personal style by downloading the default style version of Elanat and making changes to this file.

    Language package

    The structure of the Elanat framework allows you to create multilingual websites; with just one installation of the framework, an international multilingual and identical website can be created; in other words, all pages, menus and content can be placed on websites in the same way.

    Get English language package

    Elanat CMS is one of the big systems on the web. Elanat CMS is a content management system that uses the CodeBehind Framework infrastructure. This system is powerful and large and it benefits from a modern structure.

    Other features and specifications
    • Developing Elanat, by all programming languages
    • Ability to create add-ons without conflict with the framework kernel.
    • Translate pages based on framework variables
    • Limit the number and size of user files
    • Full track control before and after run
    • Extension of file viewer to display the content of any type of file format
    • Performance system based on visits and timer controller
    • Different templates and styles for all parts of the framework
    • Set a time limit for the next search
    • Display query results as a list in the system
    • Support for calendar types, such as gregorian, shamsi and hijri
    • Create multilingual systems
    • Separate template and style for website and admin panel
    • Command execution mechanism, before executing the framework
    • Cache files on server side and client side
    • Ajax Professional Postback
    • Add add-on to the desired location
    • Personalize all paths and disable sections of the website to increase the efficiency of the framework
    • Set different calendars on created websites
    • Set different display boxes on created websites
    • Set different security phrases on created websites
    • Set a different file executable on created websites
    • Set different content editors on created websites
    • Route files before uploading
    • Fetch information from the database with the desired query and display it in the desired location
    • Create content with a new type with a unique template
    • Create new categories with unique templates
    • Create multiple websites with different customizations
    • Customize templates and styles based on query string
    • Create rewritten urls
    • Redirect framework urls
    • Determine users access to all routes
    • Track actions performed by users
    • Lock the login by running a url
    • Limit the number of possible login attempts
    • Prevent cyber attacks by delaying important pages
    • Secure login to the admin section
    • Safe system access to the system_access path
    • Safe admin access to the admin path
    • Safe member access to the member path
    • C and C add-ons support for more security
    • Prevent unauthorized uploading of files
    • Restriction of re-entering the admin area to prevent password guessing
    • Fully manage routes, before and after request
    • Block users ip
    • Prevent DDOS attacks, XSS attack and SQL injection
    • Lock content and attachments
    • Create volume restrictions on attachments
    • Set time and number limits on content types
    • Restrict the type of content submitted by the user
    • Create thumbnails for pasted images
    • Create icons and avatars for content
    • Categorize hierarchies for content
    • Advanced menu management component
    • Display content at specific times
    • Display multimedia attachments
    • Republish content
    • Attach multiple files to content
    • Create passwords on content and attachments
    • Add avatars and icons to content
    • Customizable taxonomies such as categories or tags for content organization
    • Include a box opening
    • Include a sitemap page
    • Include captcha text
    • Include code highlighter
    • Include wysiwyg
    • Include RSS feed
    • Backups of framework file and database
    • File and directory management component
    • Edit add-ons text files, pages and languages ​​in admin
    • Manage all files on the root, in the admin section
    • Display content subject to admin approval
    • Add different types of content, from a specific link
    • Cache add-ons and pages and paths based on different parameters
    • Add tags to the Head by running add-ons
    • Ability to translate pages
    • Extending the global template to replace the selected template
    Last Versions