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    Version of Elanat is released.

    To install Elanat, you need to go to example.com/install/ url.
    example.com is an example of your website address or localhost.

    You can refer to the Elanat documentation page by referring to the link below.

    Problems that were solved:

     - The problem of not translating the list of categories to add content was solved
     - The problem of displaying pdf in full screen in file viewer was solved
     - The problem of updating the content date after editing was solved
     - The problem of link targets in the link component was solved
     - The problem of not displaying cache values ​​for role types in the option component was solved
     - The problem of not displaying the site section when the language is not active was solved
     - Solving the problem of the fetch component
     - Solving the problem of admin global location support
     - Solving the problem of increasing the number of attachment downloads
     - Solve minor problems in calander
     - Solving the problem of query string not working in static files
     - Solving the problem of open requests remaining open (exceed max pool size) in connection with the database
     - And a series of minor changes and improvements

    Features that were added:

     - Added the possibility of adding an aspx file to the page component or plugin component
     - Support bmp and webp extensions for avatar image
     - webp extension support in file viewer
     - Support for date and color inputs and... for the `el_AjaxPostBack` method
     - Improving default wyswig fonts and making them bigger
     - Accessing contents outside the `wwwroot` directory in the file manager component
     - Displaying errors in the error extra helper in a sorted form and improving their naming
     - Adding the possibility of replacing value in before load page reference
     - Add multipart to the form in the add content component to support long content
     - Added possibility to recompile CodeBehind Framework in refresh component
     - Improved design in the comments section of the site

    Other changes:

     - Updating CodeBehind Framework to version 2.7.1
     - Updating SqlClient to version 4.8.6
     - Updating SixLabors libraries to the latest versions

    category news

    The new version of Elanat CMS 2.2 has been released with new fixes and improvements.

    Some of the key changes in this version of Elanat CMS include solving various problems such as issues with translating categories, displaying PDF files in full screen, updating content dates after editing, link targets, cache values for role types, and more.  new features have been added like support for aspx files in components, bmp and webp extensions for avatars, date and color inputs for el_AjaxPostBack method, and more. Updates include upgrading CodeBehind Framework to version 2.7.1, SqlClient to version 4.8.6, and other libraries to the latest versions.

    In the coming days, we will provide the possibility of updating Elanat CMS version to version through the about component.

    download link:

    https://elanat.net/content/97/Elanat version is released.html

    category future events

    The Elanat team will soon bring back the former Microsoft Web-Forms in ASP.NET Standard with a new and powerful architecture to ASP.NET Core. New Web-Forms will be added to the CodeBehind Framework.

    Elanat Brings Web-Forms Back to ASP.NET Core

    Over time, the Web-Forms architecture for developing websites using ASP.NET was out of fashion due to its problems and limitations. But Elanat team wants to bring Web-Forms back to ASP.NET Core by presenting a new revolutionary architecture. Elanat has incorporated new improvements to the former Web-Forms architecture and will surprise web developers. It has been tried to revive this architecture in a new and efficient way. The Elanat team has done comprehensive studies to eliminate all the weaknesses of the former Web-Forms; so, significant improvements can be seen in web-forms. With the addition of new Web-Forms to ASP.NET Core, you will see another revolutionary idea from the Elanat team. This is an important step in the evolution of web development!

    Problems that existed in the former Web-Forms:
     - The volume of data sent to the server was large
     - The problem of constantly returning data from the server (
     - The problem of enlarging the page with ViewState as a result of lower loading speed and more bandwidth usage
     - Lack of control over HTML
     - High pressure on the server due to the presence of web controls

    The new Web-Forms that the Elanat team will provide will be combined with the MVC architecture and will give developers high maneuverability. This structure gives new and more flexible solutions in the development of websites and allows them to control their view pages more effectively and with higher quality without worrying about the performance of new Web-Forms.

    In this new Web-Forms architecture, the front-end is completely abandoned and will give a new meaning to the web.

    Wait for this big surprise!

    category download CodeBehind
    category download CodeBehind
    category download CodeBehind
    category download CodeBehind
    category download CodeBehind