• category news

    CodeBehind Version 1.8 was released on November 26, 2023. Version 1.8 is the biggest update of CodeBehind and many features have been added to it.

    Razor syntax

    CodeBehind version 1.8 supports Razor syntax. You can either develop your programs based on the Razor syntax or use the standard syntax.

    Razor syntax in CodeBehind is very similar to Razor syntax in cshtml pages in .NET Core, but in some cases there may be slight differences. Also note that if there is an error in aspx pages that are created with Razor syntax, it is different from Razor syntax errors in .NET Core cshtml pages. The Elanat team doesn't know the Microsoft approach, and the support for Razor pages in CodeBehind was created from the ground up by the Elanat team.


    The Elanat team has introduced a wonderful Template structure with version 1.8. Templates form parts of an aspx page. In a revolutionary initiative, the Elanat team provides a return templating structure that guarantees 100% separation of server-side code from the design part (like html).

    Constructor method

    One of the new initiatives of the Elanat team in the CodeBehind framework is to add support for the CodeBehind constructor method for models and controllers. You can open parentheses in front of the model and controller class names and add the desired input arguments that you created in the CodeBehind constructor method.

    Added option

    From now on, there is an options file in the code_behind/options.ini path. This file will contain many options for customization.

    Added HtmlData classes

    From now on you can use classes located in the HtmlData namespace.
    The Elanat team currently supports three commonly used and recurring data types and will add more data types to the HtmlData namespace in the future.

    Namespace and dll for CodeBehind view class

    From now on, you can add namespaces to the view class aggregating aspx files. Add the namespaces to the namespace_import_list file at this path:


    You can also add necessary dlls to the view class that aggregates aspx files. This file is located in:

    code_behind/dll_import_list.ini path.

    Problems that were solved

     - The problem of executing the path with extra characters after the slash character was solved.

     - Fixed the problem of replacing the class file with failed compilation in the last successful compilation.

    category news

    Elanat version 2.1 is a stable version that has fixed all known bugs in version 2.

    Version was the first version of Elanat that was prepared by migrating from ASP.NET standard to ASP.NET Core; in version, we tried to solve the identified problems of the previous version; therefore, we corrected all the errors that existed.

    Version 2 had full control over all paths, but no control over physical static files; In version 2.1 there is full control over physical static files.

    In the coming days, we will provide the possibility of updating Elanat version to version through the about component.

    download link:

    https://elanat.net/content/86/Elanat version is released.html

    category news

    As promised, we have presented Elanat version 2 based on ASP.NET Core; first, we put the source code of this version completely on the GitHub repository and in the next few days we will provide the ready-to-install version.

    The Elanat repository based on ASP.NET Core can be seen in the link below.


    We created a new repository and copied all the information from the ASP.NET Standard based Elanat repository into the new repository. This repository's README.md file provides information on how to migrate Elanat from ASP.NET Standard to ASP.NET Core.

    You can see the Elanat repository based on ASP.NET Standard in the link below.


    The new version of Elanat has become very powerful and efficient in terms of performance.

    category news

    The Elanat add-ons repository on GitHub contains all add-ons outside the Elanat core.
    This repository contains raw add-ons for creating new add-ons, and all developers can add their own add-ons in this repository.

    All add-ons that were created based on .NET Standard are now compatible with .NET Core.

    category future events
    • By using Code-Behind, Elanat managed to migrate from .NET Standard version 4.5 to .NET Core version 7.0 in a very short time.

      Elanat is the largest .NET system that migrates from .NET Standard to .NET Core.
    category future events

    Code-Behind is a toolkit that allows you to create aspx files in .NET Core. Code-Behind is a web development style based on MVC. In the future, we will develop Code-Behind in such a way that there is no need to code the view section (such as while, for, and foreach loops). and support a new Web-Form structure that does not have the problems of the standard .NET Web-Form. In the future, Code-Behind can support MVC, Code-Behind and Web-Form at the same time.

    category future events

    According to the previous content, i.e. migration from .NET, we will migrate to .NET Core in the near future and expand the serverside independence feature.

    We have done many studies and by providing the infrastructure and conducting many tests, we announce that Elanat will have the highest amount of serverside independence after migrating to .NET Core.

    After that, we will decide whether to leave Microsoft platforms completely or not.

    category future events

    In August 2023, we will present the next version with big update of Elanat.

    We will release a new version very soon in the next few days to fix the current issues. probably, in this version, new features will not be added to the Elanat core, and it will only focus on the errors and problems of the current version (

    If you encounter a problem or error while using Elanat, please send the problems and errors in the link below.

    Error report

    category future events

    MySQL support will begin at Elanat

    By default, we will consider this database as the main database

    category future events

    The amount of template tags will be reduced

    This will happen after migrating to the new platform