Elanat continues its commitment to supporting WebForms Core technology across all programming languages. WebForms Core is now available to everyone on the GO programming language. Elanat has updated the WebForms class for GO with the latest version of WebFormsJS, 1.6. The WebForms class on the server and the WebFormsJS library on the client constitute the WebForms Core technology.
WebForms Core technology is a revolution in the web that will change the way you think about web development. It can handle web elements from the server in both online and offline modes.
The GIF image below is an example demonstrating how to use Webforms Core with GO programming language. This example shows how to create a simple web page using WebForms Core in GO that can change the theme from day to night and from night to day, and also dynamically adjust the font size.
You can get the sample code of image.